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- Magnetizer-Demagnitizer 50x50x30mm
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- Chalk
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- Christmas
- Clay
- Construction
- Cord
- Craft Rolls
- Crayons
- Eco Colour
- Erasers
- Fasteners
- Feathers
- Felt
- Felt Sheet
- Finger Puppets
- Fishing line
- Foam
- Foam Roller
- Foil
- Folio
- Frames
- Gel Printing
- Glitter
- Glue
- Glue Gun
- Glue Stick
- Goggle eyes
- Holder
- Jewels
- Kinder Squares
- Lino
- Magiclay
- Magnetic Board
- Markers
- Match Sticks
- Mats
- Mosaic
- Mounts
- Needles
- Paddle Pop Sticks
- Paint
- Paint Accessories
- Paper
- Paper Plates
- Pastels
- Patty Pan
- Pen
- Pencils
- Pipe Cleaners
- Pom Poms
- Rhinestones
- Ribbons
- Roller
- Rolling Pin
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Sequins
- Sewing
- Sharpener
- Stamps
- Stapler
- Stems
- Stencil
- Storage
- String
- Tape
- Textas
- Tissue Paper
- Toothpicks
- Tray
- Velcro
- Whiteboard
- Wire
- Wool
- Animal Cage
- Bio Viewer
- Butterfly Cage
- Chart
- Colour Blindness
- Cover Slips
- Dialysis Tubing
- Dissecting
- Earth Science
- Magnifier
- Microscope Slide Box
- Microscope Slides
- Microtome
- Amoeba
- Animal Cell
- Blood Cell
- Brain
- Circulatory
- Cross Section
- Digestive
- Digestive system
- Ear
- Embryonic
- Euglena
- Eye
- Fish Dissection
- Flower
- Frog
- Heart
- Heart & Lung
- Human Body
- Kidney
- Larynx
- Leaf
- Lung
- Neuron
- Plant
- Pregnancy
- Rat
- Respiratory System
- Root
- Root Tip
- Seed
- Skeleton
- Skin
- Skull
- Stem
- Stomach
- Teeth
- Torso
- Photosynthesis Apparatus
- Plankton Net
- Potometer
- Prepared Slides
- Razor
- Scalpels
- Scissors
- Seed Tray
- Sieves
- Skeleton Stand
- Sphygmomanometer
- Stethoscope
- Sweeping Net
- Chemicals
- Chemistry
- Classroom Storage
- Coding
- Construction
- Data Acquisition
- Anemometer
- Autoclave
- Balance
- Bath
- Battery Tester
- Block Heater
- Blood Pressure Monitor
- Bunsen Burner
- Centrifuge
- Colorimeter
- Conductivity
- Cooler
- Deioniser
- Desiccator Cabinet
- Dishwasher
- Dispenser
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Dry Block Heater
- Electrode
- Heating Mantle
- Hotplate
- Immersion Heater
- Incubator
- Kjeldahl Heater
- Maggylamp
- Magnetic Stirrer
- Magnetic Stirrer Hotplate
- Melting Point Apparatus
- Meter
- Microscope
- Mixer
- Muffle Furnace
- ORP Tester
- Oven
- Overhead Stirrer
- PH Meter
- Pipette
- Pipette Controller
- Pipettor
- Probe
- Refractometer
- Riffle Divider
- Scale
- Sieve Shaker
- Spectrometer
- Spectrophotometer
- Steriliser
- Stirrer Overhead
- Thermometer
- Trolleys
- Turbidimeter
- Ultra Violet Lamp
- Ultrasonic Cleaner
- UV Cabinet
- Vacuum Pump
- Viscometer
- Warming Tray
- Water Distiller
- Water Still
- Weather Station
- Chromatography Paper
Filter Paper
- Advantec 1
- Advantec 2
- Advantec 232
- Advantec 235
- Advantec 2S
- Advantec 4A
- Advantec 5A
- Advantec 5C
- Antibiotic Assay
- Fiiltech 453
- Filtech 162
- Filtech 165
- Filtech 1803
- Filtech 1830
- Filtech 1839
- Filtech 1845
- Filtech 1893
- Filtech 1926
- Filtech 222
- Filtech 225
- Filtech 282
- Filtech 285
- Filtech 2850
- Filtech 2883
- Filtech 333
- Filtech 363
- Filtech 453
- Generic
- Whatman 1
- Whatman 3
- Whatman 4
- Whatman 42
- Whatman 541
- Whatman GF/C
- Filtration Apparatus
- Membrane Filter
- Syringe Filter
- Thimbles
- Fun Prizes
- Fun Science
- Bags
- Batteries
- Battery Charger
- Bench Protection
- Bibulous Paper
- Bin Liners
- Bottle
- Bottle Carrier
- Brush
- Caliper
- Caps
- Carboy
- Cling Wrap
- Cotton Wool
- Counter
- Dropper
- Dust Remover
- Earplugs
- Foil
- Gearbox
- Gloves
- Glue Gun
- Gooch Rubber
- Hydrometer
- Hygrometer
- Jars
- Lab Kit
- Lens Cleaning
- Magnifier
- Mat
- Meter
- Mortar & Pestle
- Pails
- Paper Bags
- Paper Products
- Parafilm
- Pipette Filler
- Plasticine
- Rack
- Renewable Energy
- Scourers
- Sieves
- Spanner
- Spotting Tiles
- Sprayer
- Stand
- Stoppers
- Swabs
- Syringe
- Tap
- Tape Measure
- Teats
- Thermohygrometer
- Thermometer
- Timer
- Tools
- Trays
- USB Powerboard
- Wipes
- Wire
- Beads
- Beaker
- Bell Jar
- Bottle
- Burette
- Centrifuge Tube
- Chromatography Column
- Crucibles
- Culture Tube
- Cuvette
- Desiccator
- Desiccator Lid
- Dish
- Eye Dropper
- Flask
- Funnel
- Gas Jar
- Hydrometer
- Interchangeable
- Kipps Measure
- Measuring Cylinder
- Mortar & Pestle
- Pasteur Pipette
- Petri Dish
- Pipette
- Scoops
- Stirring Rods
- Syringe
- Test tube
- Thiele Melting Point
- Tube
- Tubing
- U Tube
- Vials
- Watch Glass
- Home Schooling
- Junior Maths
- Junior Science
- Autoclave Tape
- Ball Clips
- Basin
- Basket
- Beaker Cover
- Blades
- Bone Cutter
- Bosshead
- Buchner Funnel
- Burner
- Carrier
- Clamp
- Clips
- Cork Borer
- Crucibles
- Deflagrating Spoon
- Draining Rack
- Filter Pump
- Forceps
- Gauze Mat
- Glass Cutter
- Glass Marking
- Holder
- Hot Hand
- Inoculating
- Jacks
- Joint Clip - Metal
- Mass Sets
- Masses
- Mat
- Rack
- Retort Plate
- Retort Ring
- Retort Stand
- Rubber Teats
- Scissors
- Spark Lighter
- Spatula
- Stand
- Starter Kit
- Stoppers
- Stopwatch
- Support
- Test Tube
- Thermometer Case
- Tongs
- Triangle
- Tripod
- Tubing
- Weight Ring
- Weight Sets
- Weights
- Littlebits
- Makers Space
- Occupational Therapy
- Acceleration
- Air Pressure
- Air Source
- Armature
- Atomic Physics
- Ballistics Car
- Banana Plugs
- Barometer
- Battery Holder
- Bell Jar
- Boyles Law
- Calorimeter
- Cathode Ray Tube
- Centripetal Force
- Chart
- Cloud Chamber
- Colorimeter
- Colour Filter Plate
- Colour Sheet
- Compass
- Conductometer
- Conductors
- Convection in Air
- Cubes
- Daniel Cell
- Density
- Diffration Grating
- Displacement
- Doppler Effect
- Drilled Balls
- Dropper Popper
- Dynamics
- Electric Bell
- Electric Energy
- Electricity
Electricity & Magnetism
- Capacitor Box
- Circuit Board
- Circuits Kit
- Coil
- Contact Key
- Current Balance
- Dissectible Transformer
- Eddy Current
- Electric Motor
- Electricity Kit
- Electromagnet
- Electronics
- Electronics Kit
- Electrophorus
- Electroscope
- Electrostatics
- Electrostatics Kit
- Galvanometer
- Generator
- Hall Effect
- Helmholtz Coils
- Hodson Induction Kit
- Hodson Motor
- Inductance Apparatus
- Magnetic Field
- Magnetic Needle
- Motor
- Motor Generator
- Motor Kit
- Mutual Induction
- Norwood
- Pith Balls
- Potentiometer
- Reed Switch
- Resistance
- Resistance Box
- Rheostat
- Rhumkorff Coil
- Rods
- Solenoid
- Thermionic Tube
- Van de Graaff
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Electrodes
- Electrolysis
- Electromagnetism
- Electronics
- Electrophorus
- Electrostatic
- Falling Bodies Apparatus
- Fibre Optics
- Fire Syringe
- Friction Block
- Friction Board
- Function Generator
- Galvanometer
- Gas Convection
- Gas Detector
- Genecon
- General
- Generator
- Geoboard
- Geometrical
- Guinea & Feather
- Gyroscope
- Hall's Car
Heat & Light
- Acrylic Slab
- Ball & Ring
- Bar & Gauge
- Bar Breaker
- Calorimeter
- Compound Bar
- Conductivity
- Conductivity Rods
- Cylinders
- Diffraction Grating
- Diffraction Kit
- Filters
- Glass Slab
- Heat Absorption
- Hodson Light Box
- Laser
- Laser View Kit
- Lens
- Light Source
- Mirror
- Mirror - Unbreakable
- Optical Bench
- Prism
- Refraction
- Spectral Lamp
- Spectroscope
- Spectrum Tube
- Stroboscope
- Thermocouple
- Thermodynamics
- Heater Immersion
- Ice Melting Plates
- Inclinometer
- Induction Coil
- Joules Calorimeter
- Knife Switch
- Laboratory & General Equipment
- Lamp Base
- Lamp Globes
- Lamp Holder
- Lenz's Law
- Leslie's Cube
- Lever & Fulcrum
- Light & Colour
- Linear Motion
- Liquid Level Apparatus
- Loop The Loop
- Magnet
- Magnetic Field
- Magnetizer
- Magnets
- Magnifier
- Materials Kit
Mechanics & Fluids
- Air Table
- Air Track
- Air Track accessories
- Boyles Law
- Cam Line
- Capillary Tube
- Cartesian Diver
- Circular Motion
- Cone Clutch
- Crankshaft
- Dynamics Cart
- Dynamics Track
- Fluid Pressure
- Free Fall
- Free Fall Apparatus
- Gearbox
- Gyroscope
- Hooke's Law
- Inclined Plane
- Inertial Balance
- Kinetic Theory
- Lever & Fulcrum
- Pendulum Bob
- Projectile Launcher
- Pulleys
- Stream Tray
- Tensile Machine
- Weight Sets
- Wheel & Axle
- Worm Gear
- Metal Strips
- Metals Kit
- Meter
- Microscope Lamp
- Mirror
- Mole Mass
- Motor
- Narika
- Newton's Apples
- Newton's Cradle
- Nitinol Wire
- Oersted's Apparatus
- Oscilloscope
Parts & Accessories
- Balls
- Carbon Disc
- Carrier
- Cart
- Collision in 2 Dimensions
- Diffraction Kit
- Electrodes
- Electromagnetic
- Electronics
- Electronics Kit
- Electroscope
- Geiger Tube
- Inclined Plane
- Induction Coil
- Kinetic Theory
- Knob
- Lamp Socket
- Laser Kit
- Light Box
- Linear Expansion
- Microphone
- Motor Kit
- Mutual Induction
- Paper Roll
- Potentiometer
- Rhumkorff Coil
- Ripple Tank
- Spectral Lamp
- Spring
- Stroboscope
- Tensile Wire
- Transformer
- Tube
- Weights
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Pendulum Clamp
- Power Microphone
- Power Supply
- Pulley
- Pump Plate
- Rheostat
- Ripple Tank
- Rotary Motion
- Simple Machines
- Singing Rods
- Solar
- Solar System
- Sound & Waves
- Sound Machine
- Spring Balance
- Springs
- Steam Engine
- Superconductivty
- Tape Measure
- Ticker Tape Holder
- Transformer
- Trundle Wheel
- Variable Gap Magnet
- Variable Inertia
- Vector & Force
- Vibrator
- Voltaic Cell
- Voltameter
- Water Turbine
- Weights
- Wimshurst
- Aspirator
- Basket
- Beaker
- Bell Jar
- Bottle
- Buchner Funnel
- Burette
- Caps
- Carboy
- Centrifuge Tube
- Clamp
- Conical Measure
- Connectors
- Container
- Coplin Jar
- Crates
- Culture Flask
- Culture Plate
- Cups
- Cuvette Rack
- Cuvettes
- Desiccator
- Dispenser
- Draining Rack
- Eye Wash
- Flask
- Flask Support
- Flow Indicator
- Forceps
- Funnel
- Holder
- Imhoff Cone
- Inoculating Loop
- Jars
- Jerry Cans
- Jugs
- Kipps Apparatus
- Labels
- Magnetic Stirrer Bar
- Measuring Cylinder
- Microscope Box
- Microtube
- Pasteur Pipette
- Petri Dish
- Pipette
- Pneumatic Trough
- Pump
- Rack
- Scoop
- Sleeves
- Slide Mailer
- Spatulas
- Spotting Tiles
- Spray Pump
- Spreader
- Staining
- Stand
- Stirring Paddle
- Stirring Rod
- Stopcock
- Stoppers
- Storage
- Test Tubes
- Trays
- Tube
- Tubes
- Tubing Selector
- Vacuum Pump
- Valve
- Vials
- Washer
- Watch Glasses
- Primary Literacy
- Primary Maths
Primary Science
- Balance
- Biology
- Bug Viewer
- Charts
- Chemical Science
- Classroom Kits
- Datalogger
- Droppers
- Earth Science
- Electronics
- Lab Set
- Learning Resources
- Light & Colour
- Magformers
- Magnetism
- Magnets
- Marble Run
- Marbles
- Mass
- Model
- Motion & Mechanism
- Physics
- Polystyrene Balls
- Renewable Energy
- Science Kits
- Science Lab
- Test Tubes
- Thermometers
- Weighing
- Promotions
- Rocks & Minerals
- Safety & Storage
- Science Kits
- Sports
- Adhesive Notepad
- Archive Storage
- Bags
- Balloons
- Binder
- Binding
- Blades
- Blu-tack
- Box File
- Bubble Wrap
- Calculator
- Case
- Chalk
- Clipfolder
- Clips
- Clock
- Copy Paper
- Correction Pen
- Correction Tape
- Cups
- Data Storage
- Desk Organiser
- Display Book
- Dividers
- Document Trays
- Document Wallet
- Drawing Pins
- Eraser
- Exercise Books
- Fasteners
- File
- Glue
- Glue Stick
- Graph Paper
- Grid Book
- Highlighters
- Hole Punch
- Index Tabs
- Key Safe
- Key Tags
- Knives
- Label Maker
- Label Tape
- Labels
- Laminating
- Lanyard
- Lecture Pads
- Liquid Paper
- Magnets
- Mailing Tubes
- Manilla Folders
- Mapping Pins
- Markers
- Note Books
- Office
- Organiser
- Paper Clips
- Pencils
- Pens
- Permanent Markers
- Pop Sticks
- Post It
- Power Tack
- Protractor
- Push Pins
- Rubber Bands
- Rulers
- Scissors
- Scrapbook
- Sharpeners
- Staple Remover
- Stapler
- Staples
- Storage Wallet
- Suspension File
- Tape
- Tape Dispenser
- Thimblette
- Trolley
- USB Storage
- Waste Bin
- Whiteboard
- Winery
Magnetizer-Demagnitizer 50x50x30mm
Stock Code:
$9.00 (ex GST)
This tool has two slots, one which will magnetize and the other will demagnetize.
The holes are large enough for the largest of screwdrivers.
Dimensions: 50 x 50 x 30mm
Awaiting Stock